Wednesday, September 30, 2015

App Machine

I played around with App Machine the other day and it was really cool how easy it was to create a full app without having to code anything. The fact that it is free blows my mind, I cannot believe that they don't charge for it. Also, it is really easy to preview what you're working on. With anything, you want to be able to see whatever you're working on while you're working on it. AppMachine will even help with promoting your app. They make it extremely easy for you to customize the app, it's a lot like word press for websites. It lets you chose your theme and create really visually pleasing framework to build around.
Are there down sides of app machine? Yes, first, there are a few bugs. There are some moments when it sort of freezes up. Another bug is it makes you sign an agreement in a certain section but then doesn't let you move forward with the building process. What really turns me away from using App Machine is that it doesn't quite reach the same framework as the latest iOS updates. Apps are starting to look a lot better than when they were on the iPhone 4. Now that we're at the 6s and iOS 9, apps aren't as simply built. I guess what I'm trying to say is that App Machine is limiting yourself a bit. There is more room for creativity when you're starting an app build from scratch and coding it yourself.

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